Explore the journey of Thomas Tredinnick, CEO and Co-founder of Ally Cares in this exclusive interview series.

Discover Ally’s mission, innovations, sector challenges, and future roadmap.

Episode 1: Genesis Series –  What inspired you to set up Ally Cares?

Thomas shares the experiences and inspiration behind setting up Ally Cares. 

He talks about the struggles families face with long-term care for loved ones and how missing undetected issues caused pain and distress for both the person receiving care and their family, and why this was the motivation to create a better solution to monitor and identify these health issues.

Episode 2: Genesis Series –  How did you identify the need in the market and what gaps were you hoping Ally Cares would fill?

Thomas talks about recognising that technology could enable a more pre-emptive approach to prevent health issues  and the reasons for focusing on care homes was the ideal starting point.

Episode 3: Genesis Series – Are there any pivotal moments which changed the direction of Ally Cares?

Thomas shares the pivotal moments that shaped Ally’s journey, including the strategic decision to focus on care homes and the transformative partnership with NHS Digital. Discover how this collaboration validated Ally’s technology, demonstrating its real-world impact on resident safety, health issue prevention, and easing pressures on care teams.

Episode 4: Mission & Vision Series – What is Ally Cares mission and vision?

In this episode, Thomas explores how Ally is leading the way towards a more person-centred, by leveraging unobserved insights to become becoming actionable solutions, improving lives and reshaping care standards for the better.

Episode 5: Mission & Vision Series – How do you ensure Ally stays true to it’s mission as it grows?

In this episode, Thomas discusses the importance of ensuring clear communication with the team and being innovative helps keep Ally aligned to its mission.

Episode 6: Mission & Vision Series – How do you see the role of technology, particularly AI, transforming resident care?

In this episode, Thomas discusses AI’s role in resident monitoring and care planning, and the key to striking the right balance.